
World Bank

About the Committee

To call this the world’s largest international bank would undercut the true nature of this organisation. Aimed at one end to provide the loans and capital necessary to boost the economies of developing nations. These are combined with country-specific debt repayment plans in order to maximise the efficiency of the countries in question. The delegates of this committee will focus on topics regarding agriculture, governing improvements and urban planning projects that align with the Bank’s aims to reduce poverty and government corruption. 


  1. The Question on Brexit
  2. Greek Economic Crisis

About the Chairs

Ibrahim Ansari

chair     ibrahimzahidansari@gmail.com
Ibrahim Ansari has previously chaired several conferences and has been successful in keeping a fun, yet a competitive learning environment. He's really looking forward to chairing this conference and he hopes he can make it a memorable one for all of his delegates as well as for himself.

Aljohara Alotaishan

co-chair     juju.waleed.24@gmail.com
Al Johara Al Otaishan is a senior at Al Mawakeb School in Al Barsha. She joined the club three years ago when she first moved from Saudi Arabia and has grown to love everything about MUN. She continued participating in conferences both in the UAE and in her home country. Aljohara believes that MUN is a crucial tool that helps an individual in getting prepared for a serious world outside high school and helps them in gaining professional experience. In her opinion, MUN isn’t just a competition; it’s a way of socialising and professionally communicating with others. Aljohara is really excited to be a chair, and she hopes that fine debates will fill her committee. She’s a lovely chair that knows when to be serious and when to have fun and is sure that all her delegates will have an unforgettable experience in AUDMUN 2019.

Ahmed Haitham Mhanna

co-chair     ahmadhaythammhanna@gmail.com
This year's AUDMUN will be Ahmad Haytham's first time chairing. When he's not debating, you can find him watching black mirror or catching up with a couple of friends over coffee and having a chill time. He's an environmental activist and will always fight for a just future so you probably won't see any plastic straws around him anytime soon. His favourite animal is the wild yet cute koala! If you also think koalas are attractive, then you can be friends! He can't wait for the conference, and he hopes the debate goes well in his committee.