
UN Women

About the Committee

This committee is dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. UN Women supports member states in setting global standards for achieving gender equality. It works globally to ensure that the “Sustainable Development Goals” are a reality for women and girls. The entity works to position gender equality as fundamental to the Sustainable Development Goals, and a more inclusive world.


  1. Abortion and Reproductive Rights
  2. Empowering Women in Post-Conflict Recovery

About the Chairs

Ananya Khurana

chair     ananya.khurana2002@gmail.com
Ananya, Indian by birth, has been brought up in different countries, including Nigeria and the United Arab Emirates. Growing up in varied environments has exposed her to different cultures and socio-economic aspects of two very different countries. She is currently a Junior at the Indian High School and has a keen interest in maths. Ananya has always been passionate about international relations and diplomacy, and thus, has pursued MUNs for the past few years. She has accumulated a vast amount of experience in various committees ranging from DISEC to UNHCR and IAEA. She has witnessed first hand the passion and zeal with which delegates debate with each other. Understanding the key role that a chair plays in shaping the MUN experience, Ananya vows to make this MUN exciting and educative at the same time. She expects thriving debate in committee and will strive to make this a memorable conference for every individual.

Hisham Fazail

co-chair     hsfazail@gmail.com
Debate and politics have always played a key role in Hisham's life and interests. Having his father as his mentor and teacher helped him learn that debate and argument are about understanding, learning and building bridges, which is what MUN is all about. The rush of adrenaline that he feels while amid a heated argument is unparalleled by anything else, and the joy it brings him to see the house united in a peaceful decision cannot be put into words. What he admires most about MUN is the fact that the next generation is really learning how to take matters into their own hands and solving the issues that matter to them most. Having attended over 10 MUN conferences and chaired 2, It is his pleasure to attend and chair in AUDMUN. He looks forward to meeting all the young and motivated delegates, ready to take on a new challenge.

Ayeh Iyad Wehbe

co-chair     ayehwehbe@hotmail.com
Currently a fifth-year pharmacy student at the University of Sharjah, Ayeh Wehbe feels honored to be a chair for the UN Women Committee. This year's AUDMUN will be her first Model United Nations chairing, and she couldn’t be more excited to meet all the delegates. Ayeh participated in AUS’s MUN as a GA committee delegate, and she thought it was an enjoyable experience. In her free time, she is usually in the lab researching or binge-watching TV series on Netflix. UN Women is a very strong and powerful committee tackling multiple historical backgrounds and political issues. She is very eager to have a weekend filled with exciting debate. She wishes you all a very successful journey.