
Association of Southeast Asian Nations

About the Committee

This committee aims to accelerate economic growth, social progress, and cultural development in the region. It promotes regional peace and stability in the relationships among the countries of the region. It is built on the principles of mutual respect for the independence and territorial integrity. It discusses all topics related to the nations of Southeast Asia.


  1. Settling Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea
  2. Reducing Corruption in Less-Developed Nations

About the Chairs

Mohammad Siddiqui

chair     amaan.mohammad501@gmail.com
Amaan Siddiqui is a blogger, writer, empath, a therapist to many, and obviously, Chair of the Association of South-East Asian Nations in AUDMUN'19. His participation in MUNs only began two years ago, but here he is after making great strides, at the seat of ASEAN’s presidency at my 16th MUN, thanks to his determination, devotion, interest, positive attitude and growth mindset towards this path. Alongside, he has done a lot in the field of innovation, organization, management, leadership, training and upliftment in his school and beyond. As a delegate, even though he may flame you in committee, he is a friendly person outside and greatly value emotions and friendships, and hopefully, all his delegates can keep their country grudges only within the committee as well. He hopes that at the end of the conference, his delegates would have gained a lot of experience, learning, memories and obviously, friends. He aspires not just to be your chair, but a leader and one that fuels the fire of his delegates' motivation and growth.

Jolie Ayyad

co-chair     jolieayyadd@gmail.com
MUN has been part of Jolie's life ever since she was 13; it has changed her life in so many ways. Jolies believes that being a teenager, we have so much to worry about, yet we as youths don't pay attention to things that are of greater significance in our world such as the things that are presented to us through MUN. We determine what are the realistic solutions applicable to problems facing the future of our Earth and we solve them together when we place a conference like this with eager delegates! She hopes it creates at least a simple change in her delegates' lives the same way it did to hers. She is quite fond of politics and international relations, she is also a big fan of poetry and spoken word, and she hopes that this conference will enhance her delegates' public speaking, negotiation and creativity skills and become a memorable experience overall.

Anvay Joshi

co-chair     anvayjoshi17@gmail.com
Anvay Joshi is a Year 12 student of the Wellington International School in Dubai, he has taken part in 15 conferences across UAE as a delegate, and has an inclination to Committees which discuss economics or military activities along with crisis committees, AUDMUN will be his first chairing experience and ASEAN is a committee he is extremely interested in. Anvay is also a Theatre Actor, and this definitely has influenced a certain part of him MUN experience till date. He began MUN in 2016 and has since continued to expand on his experiences and debate skills. As the Co-chair of ASEAN, he hopes for a lively and enthusiastic committee, which will present great points and solutions about the topics at hand, but above all, he hopes for a committee and a conference, where delegates will form new memories, have fun, and hopefully enhance their MUN journey.