
African Union

About the Committee

The African Union is a committee aimed at ensuring stability and cooperation among the 55 member states. Along with this it also wishes to maintain the territorial sovereignty that is owed to each member as well as promotes democratic principles. Delegates will be asked to discuss a variety of topics specific to the African continent that will include regional instability created by outbreaks, civil wars, and the like.


  1. Combating the Threat of Piracy in East Africa
  2. Goals towards achieving Agenda 2063

About the Chairs

Parham Dadashpour

chair     parhamdp98@gmail.com
Parham Dadashpour is a Senior Mechanical Engineering student at the American University of Sharjah. He first joined MUN in high school as a delegate and then continued with being a chair for several Model United Nations’ and Model congresses. He believes that participating in MUN conferences can benefit the youth in several aspects. It can help in enhancing their leadership and communicational skills as well as expanding their knowledge on the current global issues. The most enjoyable part of MUN for him is meeting new people and making new friends. In the past few years of attending several MUNs, he has met amazing people who helped him in widening his horizons. All in all, he wants his delegates to prepare well for the upcoming AUDMUN2019 and most importantly, enjoy this fantastic opportunity, because you only live once, and such experiences are once in the lifetime experiences.

Fatima Aya Tchantchane

co-chair     Fatimaaya.tch@outlook.com
Fatima is a senior at Al Mawakeb School Barsha. Being an Algerian national, she has always wondered why some countries failed to maintain peace. Digging further to satisfy her wonderment, she strived at several conferences in joining committees such as the Economic and Social Council, Advisory Panel and Arab League. She became persistent about economic and political issues occurring around her and based on that her future major was chosen. She advises all her delegates to remain determined and motivated throughout the conference to explore what is beyond their abilities.

Sidra Rahimy

co-chair     sidra.rahimy@mymail.aud.edu
Sidra Rahimy is Junior at AUD studying International Relations. Coming from an Afghan background allows her to have an innate understanding of the issues surrounding the developing world (which Africa is a part of) and identify common themes within these nations. This unique perspective enables her to dissect complex contemporary issues in global affairs. Having never been part of MUN in any capacity, she looks forward to learning the procedures and formalities associated with the event and how different this arena is in engaging with delegates. Sidra was motivated to join MUN to be part of a larger group of like-minded individuals who are equally as interested in engaging with international affairs and discussing events and issues. MUN is a resource that allows youth to review policies and global decisions that will have a significant impact on the future of individuals from all walks of life