

About the Committee

This committee is the first General Assembly of the United Nations. It considers all disarmament and international security matters relating to the powers and capabilities of all other UN bodies. It discusses general principles of cooperation in the maintenance of international peace and security as well as the principles of governing regulating armaments.


  1. Establishing a Global Law for Gun Control
  2. Combating Terrorism in Southeast Asia

About the Chairs

Muhammad Annas

chair     mr.muhammadannas@gmail.com
Muhammad is an A levels student and began his MUN career last year. Since then, he has participated in five MUNs and has won an award in every single one of them. He has also helped organize the inaugural MUN for his own school and is an active member in the debating society in his school. Aside from MUNs and debating, Muhammad has a passion for photography & film making.

Sara Hussein Abu Iktish

co-chair     sara.abuiktish@hotmail.com
Sara has just graduated high school with A levels in maths, biology and chemistry. She is now a freshman in the American University of Sharjah studying industrial engineering. Throughout her high school years, MUN was a big part of her journey; she has done over 9 MUN’s, 3 of which were AUDMUN conferences. She has always been involved in public speaking while participating in many competitions such as the world scholars. Lastly, she loves volunteering now and then. University is a new chapter in her life, and alongside her industrial engineering degree, she would like to continue improving her skills in MUN and public speaking. She hopes this MUN allows her to share her experience with everyone.

Shaun James

co-chair     shamesofficial3@gmail.com
Shaun was also once a delegate here at AUDMUN, and his chairs worked very hard to make it a memorable experience for him. He hopes that he can do them right and provide a memorable conference for his delegates too. Some of his interests include writing and reading about various topics such as finance, economics, politics etc. He loves playing the guitar and is quite passionate about music. His inclination for MUN's came from public speaking and debating, two hobbies he enjoyed a lot. He hopes this conference will be a learning experience and above all, an occasion for delegates to enjoy. He wishes all the delegates the very best of luck and hopes to see their passion and interest come out through debate and dialogue.