
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization

About the Committee

This committee consists of 29 countries, and it is an intergovernmental military alliance between states in both Europe and North America, based on the North Atlantic Treaty that was signed in 1949. The committee runs on consensus-based decision-making, requiring that none of its 29 members vote against a proposal for it to pass. Its purpose is to guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means, in addition to building trust between them and preventing future conflicts.


  1. Nuclear Non-Proliferation
  2. The Decline of Liberal Democracy and its Threat to NATO

About the Chairs

Sakina Juzar

chair     sakinajuzar8@gmail.com
As a Journalism student, Sakina has had the opportunity to explore what the world in it's political, as well as social, sense is willing to offer. She has also crossed paths with different fields of International relations and to its literal sense, the practice of MUN. She has been involved in MUN from not long ago, from a delegate to a Board Member, and has loved and cherished every viewpoint of it. As your Chair, her team and she ensure you a memorable learning experience. A conference that makes you want to come back.

Ghofrane Lahib

co-chair     ghofranelahib@gmail.com
Ghofrane Lahib, sixteen years old, is currently studying in the twelfth grade. Her experience in MUN began in 2018 when she joined her school’s MUN club and began training in its biweekly meetings. Later that year, she attended two conferences as a delegate and acquired the chairing position at her school’s conferences. Her first formal chairing experience will be that of AUDMUN 2019, where she hopes that the drive and passion from her previous participation in AUDMUN will provide an exciting environment for the upcoming conference. Aside from MUN and political interests, she enjoys reading epic fantasy novels, penning poetry, and is an amateur novelist.

Hiba Aboobakar

co-chair     Hibaabubakar@gmail.com
Hiba is a Pakistani 18-year-old who is currently studying Year 13 at The School of Research Science. She has always taken an active interest in Model United Nations, participating in multiple MUN conferences, including AUDMUN. She has been a member of her school’s MUN club for five years. Hiba’s love for debate and politics has combined to ensure MUN is always an enjoyable experience. One of her favourite aspects of it is how MUN encourages the youth to keep up to date with current affairs and global issues. Aside from MUN, Hiba spends her free time playing tennis or watching television shows.